FSB Community Based Rehabilitation Program

fiji society for the blind

The Need by Dr Mike Gosling

Our poor, disadvantaged, and needy people in Fiji need hope, love, and service more than ever. FijiLIFE Foundation is an Australian Registered DGR Charity founded in 2021 to bring better living better life to Fijians.

April 14, 2023

To work towards the advancement and well-being of blind and visually impaired people


Raised so far

Fund Raising Goal

Fiji Society for the Blind video on the success stories of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) services.

The Fiji Society for the Blind was established in 1970. It has been providing a wide range of services for children and their families around Fiji under their community based rehabilitation program.

The community based rehabilitation fieldworkers provide intervention for children with vision impairment and their families in a range of environments including homes and early intervention center at the Fiji Society for the blind premises.

A child with vision impairment needs assistance to develop good physical coordination, language and cognitive skills, independent movement, social and daily living skills. These are essential for their success in education and all aspects of their lives.

There are 5 field workers based at their respective regions throughout Fiji. They go out to remote and rural area s as well as maritime islands to identify blind and visually impaired children from 0-5years and provide the following services so that the child is ready to attend school when they are 6years old. Every year the field workers are tasked to identify 5 Early intervention children in their respective regions.

Importantly, the Community Based Rehabilitation field workers work with parents to develop an individual program which will enable their child, blind or vision impaired, to achieve his/her full potential.

These visually impaired children are visited twice in a week at their homes to enable the Society’s field workers to encourage or to support parents in their activities to minimize the effect of vision loss.

The Board and Management Team at Fiji Society for the Blind are waiting for your donation to help them provide the support team of 5 Field Workers in this community based rehabilitation program.

The Society is looking to raise $15,000 so children are taught a range of skills so that they become independent and able to travel confidently by themselves.

Children are taught on these following skills so that they become independent and able to travel confidently by themselves:  Early literacy program | School readiness skills | Independent skills | Communication skills | Fine motor skills and gross motor skills | Early braille skills

The total budget for Early Intervention Program is about $15,000.00. That is, $3,000 per field worker which includes training, screening, awareness cost, subsistence, meal allowance, activity and training cost to parents and the child and hire of venues.

Please show your support for children with vision impairment like Vlshwa and Vilisi, who are battling severe low vision.

Your donation today can help provide the best possible facilities, equipment and services for the Fiji Society for the Blind’s youngest patients in their care.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

Help create a better future for children with vision impairment and their families.

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Help Fiji Society for the Blind with a tax-deductible gift so you can make the biggest impact possible!

Community Based Rehabilitation Initiative

The Fiji Society for the Blind Community Rehabilitation Initiative is for screening in the community to identify children and adults with visual impairment. The screening that is conducted in the community has enabled Fiji Society for the Blind to identify people living with eye diseases such as:

Pterygium: a fleshy tissue that grows in a triangular shape over the cornea.

Cataracts:  these occur when a normally clear lens inside your eye becomes cloudy, and

Diabetic Retinopathy: an eye disease that is caused by complications of diabetes. This occurs when small blood vessels at the back of the eye are damaged by the effects of diabetes.

Review Fact Sheets on these eye diseases from the Optometrists Association Australia….


The Early Intervention Programme focuses on training and education of visually impaired babies and toddlers with their parents and families on how to cope with the trauma of being born blind or sight loss at an early age.

Providing Skill training to Early Intervention Students Sharav and Elenoa

Supportive and educational services are designed to assist parents in minimizing the effect of visual impairment on their child’s development.

Fact Sheets on eye diseases produced by Optometry Australia

These Fact Sheets are provided by Dr Gosling’s Optometrist, Michael Hare, Vision Michael Hare, Southport, Gold Cast, Queensland, Australia from the Optometrists Association Australia. We have added them here in the interest of the visual welfare of the Fijian people.

My story…

Dr Mike Gosling was diagnosed with Diabetes 2 on 17 May, 2011. I was 94.6 kgs and my blood sugar was 14 mmol/L. It was supposed to be between 3.0 – 6.0! I now have twice-yearly blood sugar HbA1c check ups, an annual foot examination by a podiatrist, and eye examination with Michael Hare for glasses check and screening for Pterygium. It is reassuring to see those images of the back of my eyes clear of any diabetes induced disease.

I have changed my diet with zero white bread, less rice and fewer potatoes and try to stay away from food items with high added sugar content by checking the product labels when visiting the supermarket. I enjoy sourdough seeds and grains bread and eat meat and vegetables – including curries! I enjoy a beer and wine, but have a 4:3 approach to alcohol — 4-days without and 3-days with, and then in moderation.

I have been working on the 16:8 fasting lifestyle, where I fast from 8PM until 12-Noon the next day, eat only from 12-Noon to 8PM. I have set my alarm hourly during the day, so I get to drink 250 mls every hour or 2 litres of water a day. My weight is now 86 kgs with a goal to get it down to 80 kgs. This will also help keep a check on my cholesterol and blood pressure. My HbA1c is still too high at 7.9 but my increased awareness of the disastrous impact diabetes can have on my body, eyes, and general health ensure that I diligently take my medication, watch what I eat, and try to walk a few kilometers every week.

I am passionate about helping fellow Fijians living with diabetes and visual impairment and highly congratulate the Fiji Society for the Blind Community Based Rehabilitation Team for this screening initiative in rural remote communities to improve the quality of life of people living there.

Please donate to this worthy project by the Fiji Society for the Blind. All funds received by FijiLIFE Foundation will be forwarded to the Society once the project is fully subscribed. 




Diabetes & Diabetic Retinopathy

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Help Fiji Society for the Blind with a tax-deductible gift so you can make the biggest impact possible!

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