Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions about donating to FijiLIFE Foundation. If you have further questions, please complete our form on the contact us page.
Are donations to FijiLIFE Foundation tax-deductible?
Yes. FijiLIFE Foundation is an Australian registered DGR charity. Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible in Australia.
Why you should tell others how much you donate to charity
Why you should tell others how much you donate to charity
The decision to donate to a philanthropic cause is often not made in isolation, but the result of a social process, says Dr Pamala Wiepking, Professor Civil Society and Philanthropy of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). From seeing or hearing about the donations of others, people not only learn that this is something positive you can do with your money, it also teaches them how pleasant it can be to contribute to charity.
First, seeing others get a warm and fuzzy feeling about themselves after ‘doing good’ can be inspiring and lead people to copy this behaviour. But donating also lets people come across as ‘pro-social’ and caring about others, a desired quality that increases social status, Wiepking continues.
Culture of philanthropy
All in all, charities would benefit when people discuss when and how much they donate. Silence about this topic can be traced back to the protestant religious heritage. In this tradition, you typically don’t talk about income or wealth, and the matter of donating to charity was something between ‘you and God’. If we want to create a more open culture of philanthropy, we must overcome this hesitancy and start talking to each other about our donations, Wiepking concludes.
FijiLIFE Foundation will gratefully acknowledge all gifts received.
Can I donate to FijiLIFE Foundation by credit/debit card?
Yes. FijiLIFE Foundation uses the secure credit/debit credit card processer FundraiseUp and Stripe to process payments.
Can I donate to FijiLIFE Foundation by phone?
Yes. Please call +61 412 069 460 and we’ll process your donation over the phone.
Can I donate to FijiLIFE Foundation by direct deposit?
Yes. Our bank details are CommBank SWIFT code: CTBAAU2S BSB: 064-430 Account No. 1163 0430
Can I change my regular monthly donation to FijiLIFE Foundation?
Yes. To increase, reduce, or alter the frequency of your regular donation to FijiLIFE Foundation, please call us on +61 412 069 460 or email: admin@fijilife.au
I no longer wish to receive communications from FijiLIFE Foundation.
Please email admin@fijilife.au
How is the money I donate to FijiLIFE Foundation used?
Your generous gift will be used within Fiji through a registered charity with whom we have a Memorandum of Understanding, to provide health care and children’s education supplies, individual and family capacity building, and sustainable development aid to those without access. Less than 3% is used for FijiLIFE Foundation operations, including bank charges and administration costs.
Can I specify which FijiLIFE Foundation project my donation is used for?
Yes. To view what types of services and community development projects FijiLIFE undertakes, visit How We Help. Click on ‘DONATE’. Then enter your preferred project in the ‘Designate to’ drop down menu before you click the ‘donate’ button on the payment page. You can also specify which program your donation is used towards when donating by phone or mail.
What happens to my donation when a FijiLIFE project is fully funded?
Donor designation will be honoured to the fullest extent possible. In the event that any project becomes fully funded or circumstances change, we will apply the gift to meet another similar project, or where the need is greatest.
How do I contact FijiLIFE Foundation?
You can contact us using our contact form, email us at: admin@fijilife.au, or call: +61 412 069 460